Gestión de Pedidos y Facturación

Digitaliza la formalización de pedidos y procesos de facturación.

Órdenes de Compra

Guarantees the fulfillment of the purchase conditions with agility and speed, digitizing the process of formalizing a purchase from the order to the acceptance of the invoices. Manage to optimize costs and automate cost control on a single platform.

Órdenes de Compra


Streamline the process of receiving your purchase orders and supplier fulfillment, guaranteeing an efficient process with qualitative assessments and controlled monitoring. It facilitates the management of recurring services and the forecast of expenses.

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Conoce más sobre la plataforma colaborativa de gestión de proveedores de itbid.


Integrate the itbid collaborative platform with your ERP accounting, save time and have better control of the billing and accounts payable process.




Access the catalogs approved and managed by the supplier for the efficient purchase of products and services.

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